Josefa Sicard-Mirabal is the Dominican member of the Permanent Observatory on the State of Arbitration in Latin America, for the Latin American Arbitration Association (ALArb); Advisory Board member of the Arbitration Journal of the CEU San Pablo University (Madrid); Board Member of the Latin American International Arbitration of Peru (LIA) and Chair Emeritus of the United States Council for International Business (USCIB)-ICC-USA Sole Practitioner’s Arbitration Committee.
She is a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and has served on numerous task forces, working groups and committees, including, the ICC Task Force on Reducing Time and Costs in Complex Arbitration, and the ICC Task Force on National Rules of Procedure for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. She is also a member of the International Arbitration Club of New York, International Bar Association, International Council for Commercial Arbitration, ICC Institute of World Business Law, American Bar Association and the Dominican Bar Association.
Ms. Sicard-Mirabal is founder and president of Dominicans on Wall Street, Inc. (DOWS), a non-profit organization created primarily to serve as a liaison between Dominican companies seeking access to the U.S. and international capital markets and U.S. companies wishing to invest in the Dominican Republic.